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The Dumagats (a Negrito tribe) and Tinguians (of Malay stock) were the early sett lers of Ilocos.

The name Ilocos comes from the settlement of migrants who lived in the coves (looc) along the shore. The region was renowned for its gold mines, and Chinese and Japanese merchants came to Ilocos trade for gold with beads, ce ramics, and silk. When the Spanish arrived in 1572, Ilocos was Christianized and vast tracts of land were appropriated for churches and bell towers. Despite the Spanish influence, Ilocos was a hotbed for rebellion, notably the Di ngras uprising, the Pedro Almasan revolt, and Diego Silang's battle for freedom wh ich his wife Gabriela continued even after his death. Gregorio Aglipay was excom municated by the church for supporting the revolutionary forces of Emilio Aguina ldo. Aglipay established the "Iglesia Filipina Independiente" which espoused nat ionalism.

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