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Exemplary Recognizes the different types of rocks Correctly identifies and describes all 3 rocks !

sing detail"

Accomplished Correctly identifies and describes rocks b!t is missing some detail"

Satisfactory Correctly identifies and describes at least # of the rocks and$or lacking necessary detail" Can describe fe' of the changes that occ!r to each type of rock and 'hat ne' rock they 'o!ld form"

Needs Improvement %rovides a vag!e description of the rocks and no s!pporting detail"

&escribes physical and chemical process that change rocks

Can describe the changes that occ!r to each type of rock and 'hat ne' rock they 'o!ld form"

Can describe some of the changes that occ!r to each type of rock and 'hat ne' rock they 'o!ld form"

Can describe little to none of the changes that occ!r to each type of rock and 'hat ne' rock they 'o!ld form"

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