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In the poem "The Second Coming", W.B Yeats explores the theme of doom.

Towards the beginning of the story he depicts a world where chaos has broken apart. He writes "Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world" Here, Marquez striking diction with the choice of word "loosed". In order to emphasize the amount of chaos that is happening. This emphasis implies that there is doom in the world. Therefore, this story reveals that, in our world today, there is no such thing as doom.

Birches inspired poem When I see leaves falling from autumn trees. I like to see the reason I can see. When they turn orange to red to brown to green. I look upon the sky at midnight and see that there is a reason to be kind to the leaves that fly by into the night.ggg As i can see with my own clear eyes that this delight takes me to my young days. When I used to jump into gigantic. piles of leave i would shout with much glee. But then a time would come where I would have to go and leave all of my leaves behind.

In the play "Othello" , William Shakespeare explores the relationship between

Desdemona and Othello. Towards the beginning, he depicts that othello and Desdemona are sleeping with each other. Here Shakespeare uses alliteration in order to emphasize how wrong it is that these two are together. This emphasis implies that Othello and Desdemona are not meant to be together, and Desdemona only over him because he's an outsides. Therefore, this text reveals that, in our world today, people are attracted to those from the outside

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