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ton pa la me sang jee rin po che

To the unsurpassable teacher, the precious Buddha,

shop pa

la me dam ch rin po


To the unsurpassable protector, the precious authentic Dharma,

dren pa

la me gen dn rin po


To the unsurpassable guide, the precious Sangha,

shap nee kn cho sum la cht pa bul

To the sources of refuge, the Three Rare and Sublime Jewels, I make this offering.


ma ch tr dral la ma ch chi


Hri Uncontrived freedom from elaboration, dharmakaya lama,

de chen

long sht la ma ch chi


Great bliss enjoyment, sambhogakaya lama, lord of the Dharma,

pe dong lee thrung la ma trul wi ku

Born from a thousand-petalled lotus, nirmanakaya lama,

ku sum dor je chang la cht pa bul

To trikaya Vajradhara, I make this offering.

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