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Refugee Land

1. Roll dice: 1 (single); 2 (siblings); 3 (single mother with two children); 4 (Mother and father with two children); 5 (Mother and father with two children and a grandmother); 6 (Mother and father with two children, an uncle and a grandmother) 2. Each team starts out with $10 per person 3. Start in the start of the game in your home (Start) 4. Roll dice to different squares (move one space for every number rolled) 5. If you land on the same spot as another team you may trade resources 6. Bridges are patrolled by militia, you may choose to cross but you will be captured and suffer the consequences of being sent home and losing 1 group member by flipping a coin 7. Each time a group member is to be chosen the members will pick a number 1-6 and roll the dice until it lands on a members number. 8. Once you reach the end of the path you and your group has made it to the refugee detention facility but must take a test quiz over presentation 9. Red (The militia has captured you, play 2/3 rock, paper, scissors to escape being sent home and losing 1 member of your group) 10. Purple (FREE SPACE)

11. Yellow (A member of your group has fallen ill, they will be a mute for the next two rounds and can not participate, the other members decide if they will die after the two rounds or pay $10 to medicate them. 12. Blue (You are robbed and they have taken half of everything you have) 13. Orange (The militia are in the area, you cannot stay here, roll again) 14. Green (You have received help from a charity who gives you $10. 15. Pink (Resource Spot receive $10 if you beat the narrator in hot hands)

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