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Australian Parliament Parliament House Parliament Drive Canberra ACT 2600 Australia

Mr Cecil Rhodes Prime Minister of Britain 10 Downing Street Westminster, London SW1A 2 United Kingdom 22nd of October 2013

Dear Sir, I am a representative of the Australian Parliament writing to inform you of the outrage many citizens of Australia continue to feel over the execution of the two Australian soldiers, Harry The Breaker Morant and Peter Handcock during the awful Boer War. In this letter, I will be explaining that more than 100 years on, this case still has failed to be properly investigated and why it urgently needs looking into. Firstly, your soldiers have do not have enough adequate evidence to support that Breaker Morant and his fellow men were entirely responsible for the death of the innocent civilians and Boer prisoners in South Africa. If the rumours are true, then some of your own men were responsible for giving the men the orders. All soldiers understand orders from a higher command must be obeyed. Therefore if this is true, full responsibility cannot be placed entirely on just a few soldiers. Further investigation is needed as your country needs to discover if more men were linked to this case. Secondly, the trial was not undertaken properly, or formally. Every human being has a right to a fair trial, and this was not at all delivered. They were also under trial by the same people who accused him of the case, and no one else, giving the Australian soldiers no innocence and next to no chance of surviving. I believe you are a country who pride yourself on a fair trial, and I am sorry to say this has not occurred. Finally, the families of the two men who were executed were not informed any of this was happening until a month later. How distressing it would be to find out your loved ones had been executed, and you had no idea. The families would have been extremely upset, and are still upset to this day. This needs to be set right, the facts need to be laid down, as it will be the only way the Morant and other family descendants will be satisfied. If Harry Morant and Peter Handcock were

completely responsible for the death of those innocent people and the prisoners, then so be it; but Australia needs to know the truth for a fact. In conclusion, and I think you will agree, that the case of Breaker Morant has not yet been resolved, and investigation needs to be undertaken to set the lose records straight. Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, Zoe McLeod.

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