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Opening credits for Pulp Fiction.

The credits appear on screen for the first production company, in the iconic yelloworange pulp fiction colour and distinctive font. The theme song plays-misirlou.

The use of the iconic colour and distinctive font displays set against the upbeat brass sounding soundtrack of Dick Dales Misirlou gives the audience an idea of pulp fictions ironic mixture of humour and violence that awaits. The simple and bold titles could reflect the type of movie it is and also predicts the cult classic the film became. The famous soundtrack Misirlou also transitions flawlessly into another iconic tune jungle boogie by Kool and the gang. This gives the audience a feel of the unique funky vibe of Pulp fiction instantly setting the mood.

The music continues to play as the title of the film in iconic font and colour slowly shrinks. This is the last shot in the opening scene.

Chey A-C

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