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Scott RenzoBaban BSAC 1 ACH

RS 15 Reflection Paper Sir Cleb Calimutan The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima (Reflection)

I was curious about the movie that our instructor is promoting; he said that it is about a story about Our Lady. I am interested into any stories or movies that talks all about religion, God, Our Lady and all about the creation. Thats why Im excited to watch the movie. Then the day of the movie-showing, I bought a ticket and picked a comfortable place to watch the movie.

The film opens with something like a weird feeling for us, the viewers. The whole movie is done in black and white and is also dubbed in Filipino. And also, at the start of the film, it began as Lucia, the main character of the story, starts to narrate her experiences 20 years after the apparition or happening. She started her story when she was still a ten-year old kid. She has 2 friends, Jacinta and Francisco, both were her cousins. They lived in Fatima, Portugal, and it was still World War 2 then, but they were not affected from the war. The three of them were always playing outdoors, and they were religious.

But one day, as they were playing in a cove, they saw a very bright light from above. They saw a beautiful lady went down from the heavens and was floating in the sky, it was Our Lady. The three of them saw the apparition of Our Lady. The Lady told the children that they shouldnt be scared of anything and there will be a miracle that will happen. Our Lady also told them that they would return every month of the same day, the 13th day of every month. Jacinta told her parents what she saw, and her parents did not believe the three children. Lucia was brought to a priest and Lucia was scolded by her mother because her mother wont believe them.

As the news/gossip was spread out, many didnt believe them and some did believe the childrens explanation. Many problems/droughts were brought to the families of Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. They went to the cove every 13th day of every month. Then a government official heard of this gossip, and he saw it as a threat to the community. He kidnapped the three children and asked if it was true and he also forced them to say it was only a joke. But the childrens faiths were very strong that they wouldnt answer. One day, the government official saw the apparition outside the childrens prison, he was brightened up and he let the children go.

It was October 13, 1917, the three young kids went to their homes as fast as they could, and they were assisted by their parents, and their parents somewhat believed on what they are saying. They went to the cove with a huge crowd. The three knelt and prayed as the apparition went down from the heavens, and the Blessed Mother showed them a vision of an angel destroying a city. The crowd didnt see the apparition, they were shouting that it was a blasphemy, and then the three kids said to the Blessed Mother the promised miracle. She showed the miracle, the sun went closer from the sky, and it moved very fast. Many saw the miracle, The Miracle of the Sun.

It was a remarkable film about the story of Fatima, it was very good. The movie was created from the perspective of Lucia. I read the original story of this film and it was very accurate. I was moved as they would sacrifice a lot just for God. Even though it was something like an old-style kind of movie, the acting and series of happenings were brilliant, each actor and actress fit their roles. After watching the movie, I felt weird something like a goose-bumps. Overall, the whole movie was emotional, historical, real, and it was touching.

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