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1,200 Light-Years 1,200 light-years from Earth in the Lyra Constellation, two habitable planets exist.

Kepler 62F and Kepler 62E are sister planets with climates similar to Earth. My mission, exploring Kepler 62F, will take three years with light speed capabilities. I will travel for two years and explore the surface of Kepler 62F for one year. I am prepared for my journey. My expertise is aquatic vehicles and underwater research. Kepler 62F consists of about 75% water. I consider myself the perfect candidate for the job. Dreaming of the future, I think of the adventure ahead of me. Creatures strange and unimaginable are bound to exist somewhere on Kepler 62F. I imagine fish beautiful and mysterious swimming freely, scales glowing in neon, fins swishing gracefully through the water. I imagine the names I will call all of my discoveries. the plants noble and true, the animals varied and wonderful, the landscape vast and uncharted all needed to be named. I ready myself for a year long sleep. I take my last breath and close the door. I am on my way.

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