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The Big Miracle

For members to believe that faith works wonders in their lives For members to be affirmed that God continues to do miracles in their lives For members to hold on to the promises of God that they received in faith


Do you still believe in miracles? Why or why not? This miraculous sign was the first, and Jesus performed it at Cana in Galilee. In this way he let his Glory appear and his disciples believed in him. John 2:11 Do we still believe in miracles? Yes we do. Christianity is a faith that is rich in miracles. Take the miraculous out of our faith and we are left with nothing but a set of commands and instructions that has no power to change hearts and minds. This is precisely the reason why Jesus performed miracles so that we might believe in Him! Jesus did not perform miracles just to let His glory manifest but so that His disciples may believe. When God works a miracle, he is not just doing something. He is also saying something. Thus, the miracle in our lives are just instruments of God that will help us understand how much He loves us and how much He wants other people to experience that love. In the same way, God continues to create miracles in our lives today so that it might help us to believe in Jesus. He continues to allow us to experience big and small miracles so that our faith in Him will be stronger. He allows miracles to happen so that we can share our faith with the world. Truly, every miracle has a purpose. Remember miracles are Gods declaration that our faith can work wonders! And so, miracles are not about us. Miracles are about God. 1. Share when was the last time you have experienced a small or big miracle in your life? 2. How does that miracle experience strengthen your faith in God? Does it inspire you to share your faith to others? Write down all the small or big miracles that you will experience for the week in a notebook. Try to share this to your family and friends how this miracle experience increases your faith in God.




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