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Class Rules for Jeopardy

1. Every member of your team must have the chance to answer a question. 2. At the front of the room, there will be two desks. Each team must send up one member to compete in answering a question. 3. The two team members will each sit in one of the desks at the front of the room. Each team will alternate to

4. On the board, there will be a series of categories with dollar amounts. choose the category and the amount.

5. The teacher will use a random method (pick a number, coin toss) to determine which team will be the first to choose the category and the amount. 6. Once a category and an amount have been chosen, the teacher will read the statement.

7. The first of the two students to buzz in (hit the desk, ring the bell provided) first will have the first chance to give his/her answer in the form of a question. 8. In order for the team to receive the dollar amount assigned to that question, the student must have given the correct answer in the form of a question (i.e. what is a daytimer?) 9. In a team member does not answer in the form of a question, or give the correct answer, that team will lose the dollar amount assigned to that question. The other team may choose to buzz in and attempt to give an answer. 10. Each team will send up a member and continue to compete until all of the questions have been answered. 11. Each time a question is answered correctly, the team will earn the dollar amount for that question. Each time a team answers a question incorrectly, the team will lose the dollar amount for that question. 12. At the end, each team will add up the dollar amounts that they have and determine how much they would like to wager on Final Jeopardy. The team will write this amount onto a piece of paper and hand it to the host (teacher). 13. The team will be able to listen to the question, confer as a team, and then write their answer (in the form of a question) on a piece of paper. You will have one minute after the question has been read to hand your answer to the teacher. 14. The host will re-read the question, both answers, and declare a winner!

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