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The name of my film is Dont Come Home and the genre is Crime/Psychological Horror The exposition of my film is going

to be non chronological and is actually of the youngest daughter sitting in an empty room which is the ending scene. It is of her thoughts, which flashes back to a part of her life when she is just 12 years old. She is there with her older sister Georgia, happily dancing to some faint music that they enjoy. The mood suddenly changes when both the girls father, Leon Bakewell enters. For Georgia the mood is made dull and exhausting, but for Lisa her happiness is increased. With Leon smiling at the two he strokes Lisa on the head and grabs the hand of Georgia taking her out the room. In doing this he turns the music up and shuts the door on Lisa leaving her to enjoy herself, blissfully unaware of the actions hed be committing on her oldest sister. The scene then blacks out again and we hear the narrating voice of Lisa say Ill never forget the way he turned it up so I couldnt hear, Id carry on dancing, whilst you raped and watched her die . Finding out at this point in the film that on the same night the suicidal death of Georgia Bakewell was announced, destroying everyone old enough to understand, apart from Lisa. We start to notice that Lisa is too young to take anything in and understand what is happening in her life. As time passes Lisa starts to notice odd things happening with her family. Her dad would regularly come home late and drunk and her mom would slowly develop more and more bruises and cuts to the face. Her family at this point in the film is noticeable broken, showing the audience a lot of dramatic irony. Lisa is very much fending for herself, scraping food from anywhere, wearing the same clothes repeatedly. Lisa was teased by other children but she still told no one. One night Leon comes home with two of his friends Jason and Chris, who are both completely aware of how Leon treats the women in the family. As Lisa was trying to sleep in her room, in stumbled her father, completed wasted. He sits on her bed and strokes her; Lisa unaware of his intentions is alarmed when her mother comes in and kills her dad. Distraught, Tracy grabs Lisa and runs. With nowhere to go it is only a matter of time till Lisa and Tracy run put of places to hide from not only the police but Jason and Chris. The turning point in the film is when Lisa understands everything that has ever gone in with her family and is now set on rebuilding a new life with her mom. This is when the climatic event happens of Tracy and Lisa both screaming on top of a hill of their new found freedom. Little to their knowledge that this gave them both away completely. One night when Lisa wakes up to her mothers absence. Hearing a high pitched scream in the distance, Lisa follows without thinking. She sees two men next to a tree with two bodies hanging from it. As she nears its both the dead bodies of her parents. In a state of horror she sees that the two men are Jason and Chris, kidnapping Lisa. The next scene we see Lisa waking up in a room, body bruised all over, living her life locked up with the bodies of Leon and Tracy next to her. The main characters in my film are Tracy, Leon and Lisa. I have the potential actors and actresses lined up, such as Sean Mcgrandles to play Leon Bakewell, Jessica Nally to play Tracy Bakewell and Rebekah McNeil to play Lisa Bakewell. My other less prime characters I am yet to find suitable potentials for. Many of my outside scenes will be filmed in and around Sutton Park and scenes involving Lisa going to school will be at Plantsbrook. Predominately though the main location of filming will be in Sutton Coldfield. The only main props involved within my film are going to be bottles of alcohol, a music player, rope and rucksacks. The costumes for the male characters are going to consist of jeans and scruffy tops to make them look unhygienic and drunks. The daughters however will be made to look timid and kept innocent. Tracy is in smart sophisticated clothes, like a blouse and jeans. The primary audience for this film would be 16 - 24 purely based on the fact the characters involved in the main drama are young themselves. Almost as though many people can relate and understand the suffering of this girl and her family. It would be for both sexes as it includes horror scenes and a touch of social realism, which are both gender neutral. The film would also be a classified 15, and therefore this age group are all old enough to go and watch. If there was to be a secondary target audience itd be 36 - 46 as I feel the storyline can be very relatable and people more inclined to watch something like this.

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