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Dear God,

My mom and dad told me that I should talk to you just like you were my friend right beside me. This Sunday when mom and dad took me to church, I sang in front of everyone! It was a lot more fancy than every other Sunday we have gone. Mom and dad have been talking to me about you more now. Mom comes in every night before I go to sleep and sits with me while she shows me how to talk to you. I know you are good because they always tell me that you are my friend. Sometimes I see mom and dad at the table reading your book. Its called the Bible, and I even know how to spell it! We learned all about it in our songs in Sunday School. God, I have so many questions for you. How can you hear me when I pray? How are you always with me like mommy says? I go to my Sunday School every Sunday to see my friends and learn about you and your son, Jesus, but there is so many things that I do not understand yet! I will talk to you later, God!


Alyssa Arnson (age 6)


Dear God,

Hello again! I know I just talked to you, but I just wanted to take another time to let you know how special you are in my life. My heart is on fire for you. I know that you live in my heart now because I made the life-changing decision to become a child in the kingdom of God. Thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for every single person, saving us from all of our sins. I have an inexpressible amount of gratefulness and adoration for you, Lord. I can only hope that I am able to shine your light and let others see you through me. I am incredibly happy that I have listened to your calling and went on those mission trips. Every trip opened my eyes and heart more. I feel like I am fulfilling your purpose by helping others in this way. Sometimes I begin to feel overwhelmed by the pressures of this world and everything going on in my life; this is when I pray to you, God. I know for a fact that you have a plan for my life, and all my trust is in you. You had my plan set before I was even born! Who am I to question you?? Thank you for always listening to me. I know it will not be long until we talk again. So this is only a see you later!

With the Deepest Love,

Alyssa Arnson (age 13)



Hey God,

You know my heart, Lord, so it isnt necessary to explain how embarrassed I am to just now catch up with you. My guilt for putting my faith on the side burner while I live my life without you in command is incredible. There are no excuses that would be valid for ignoring my faith that has so much value. You gave everything up for me and I owe you everything. Yet right now I am giving you nothing in return. Nothing in my life is important enough for me to ignore my relationship with you. Without you in my life, I have nothing. I ask that you forgive me for the neglect Ive demonstrated towards your will. Please help me realize my priorities, because with you, I can do anything. But without you, Lord, my effort are all in vain.
University of Wyoming

It has been way too long that I have been away. And this whole time, you have been patiently waiting for me to find my way back to you. I ask that you give me the strength to get my life back on track and keep living with at the helm.

Love, Your Daughter,

Alyssa Arnson (age 17)


Dear Lord,

Baptizing Peyton was such an eye-opening experience. I realized that I still had not been giving you my all. When he asked me to baptize him, it hit me that I had to truly be the role model in faith that he needs and deserves. I did not deserve for him to select me out of everyone. My track record of my relationship with you has been all over the map. That was one of the biggest wake-up calls in my life, and I believe you meant for that to happen. I think it was you reaching out to me. For a while I held on to you. I believed that I was strong enough in my faith to go to college and everything would be the same. Now, however, I realize how much more demanding everything is in this new lifestyle. It takes so much will power. I am struggle to keep you as my top priority, to keep you on the throne. I acknowledge that I need to take advantage of every opportunity I can to get my spiritual life back on track with you. Because right now, my journey has become stagnant.


Alyssa (age 18)

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