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Amy Myers

Synergy is when the interaction of two more forces working together creates a greater effect than the sum of their individual efforts. Media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media work together to promote linked products across different media. Synergy works when different elements within a media promote for example film studio, record label or video create linked products. Each distinct element promotes the others.

There are many advantages of synergy for example the company can spread their commercial interests, diversification means a reduction in risk, enhances companys image.
Problems include different companies may have different ideas, can lead to loss in jobs, and smaller companies who only specialise in one medium struggle to compete. Example the film of harry potter promotes the DVD which promotes the book which promotes the advent calendar which promotes the studio tour, which promotes the film

Convergence is the coming together of two or more things. Technologies coming together for example a mobile phone and a camera two integrated technologies. Media is converging in many ways. TV, video games, films, newspapers, radio, magazines and music exist separately. But convergence on the film industry is the focus here.

Technical convergence has meant two things for the film industry. The first of these is that they are able to reach their audiences far easier, hence increasing their profits as well as meaning that film piracy has become easier.

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