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The Secret Circle

Faye Chamberlain - a cruel and mischievous sixteen -year old girl who resides in New Salem with her mother. She is described with having wild hair, but very beautiful. After the arrival of Cassie Blake, Faye is hateful toward Cassie and she uses magic to cause Cassie harm. Throughout the series, Faye is the best friend of Deborah and Suzan and they are considered the meanest girls in New England. She blackmails Cassie with the knowledge of her relationship with Adam. Deborah Armstrong- a cruel and selfish sixteen-year old girl who resides in New Salem with her family. After the arrival of Cassie Blake, Deborah is initially hateful toward Cassie; however she later becomes an unsuspected ally of Cassie, after the discovery of Cassies exceedingly powerful magic. Throughout the series, Deborah is the best friend of the equally mean Faye Chamberlain. Despite her attitude, she respects those who stand up to her and likes Cassie because she has a hidden strength. Melanie Glaser- a charismatic sixteen year old girl who resides in New Salem with her family. Melanie becomes friends with Cassie. She has a lot of knowledge on crystals, with is vital for the final battle with Black John.

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