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Eric Jenkins Jr.

October 31, 2013 WRD 103 Audience Analysis

For this assignment, my audience will be two groups, the students of DePaul and the board of Trustees. The students will be my audience because I would want to try and get them on board on believing that tuition at DePaul shall decrease. The students are the ones that are paying for this education. The students know how much they are paying. Finances were probably a big part in choosing a school. However, they probably dont know what they all are paying for. Students would more than likely understand where Im coming from because there are some students who are scared of their futures finances. I believe the best way to reach students attention would be to have a petition signing. Therefore, the argument would be worthless if the students are not even on board. My audience would also be the Board of Trustees at DePaul because they are the ones who really determine the price to attend DePaul. The Board of Trustees knows what is taking place at DePaul. They are pretty knowledge about the price that students pay at DePaul. I believe the best way to raise a thought on decreasing the tuition price here would be a letter with the petition with the students signatures on it. I believe the letter with great use of ethos, pathos, and logos could possibly influence the board of trustees on the thought of lowering tuition. If they see that students are really trying to make an effort and care about how much they are paying, they could at least consider the thought of decreasing the tuition here at DePaul.

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