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Think-Tac-Toe Students must complete three learning activities from the grid that connect either vertically, horizontally

or diagonally to be submitted via the class websites blog post for a grade on alternating Thursdays (bi-weekly).

(Linguistic/intrapersonal) Describe what African American History means to you.

(Creative) Draw a picture depicting an aspect of African American History that significantly affects your life. (Creative/Musical) Examine and analyze a Negro spiritual and talk about what the song meant then and in what ways if any does it apply or relate to modern day in the US.

(Creative) Create a graphic PowerPoint that conveys a particular aspect (person, place, or event) that significantly impacted the era as well as modern day life. (Visual) Create a storyboard to depict the complete timeline of major events based on the eras presented in the unit. (Mathematical/logical) Create an economic picture of progress of African American progress from slavery until today.

(Creative/visual/interpersonal) Create an advertisement of a social event for African Americans for at least two different eras. (Creative/interpersonal/linguistic) Create and conduct an interview of a person of note (requires two people) (Intrapersonal/Linguistic) Write and autobiography as though you are the person of note from an era in the unit.

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