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Samuel Chung EDS 190

Reflection of Interactive Modeling and 3-2-1 Reflection I re-taught my Grizzly Hands signal to get my classs attention. Although I was consistent on using it throughout the times that I led the class, many of the students because comfortable with the signal, overlooking many of the key points that the signal was meant to address. For example, students did not put their things down, but simply held up whatever they had in their hands while making the signal. The intended purpose of the hands going up was so that they would drop what they are doing and bring the attention to me. Another example, probably the primary reason why I retaught this signal was because students continued to talk, or even mimic a roar. I clearly restated the purpose of this action, which was for the students to place their attention to the teacher, not focusing on the task at hand. Through modeling and prompting on my end, students voiced out the proper behaviors that were necessary: nothing in my hands, silence, and eyes on the teacher. I reinforced the students response and how they were much quicker than the first time, and that I noticed friends helping friends when someone was not paying attention. 3-2-1 3 Big Ideas There are certain academic skills that should be taught through Interactive Modeling so that students have a successful and positive example in mind (Chapter 5) Depending on the variation and needs of the class, Interactive Modeling must be modified so that students can successfully understand the goal of the modeling. Otherwise, students will not understand the purpose of the activity. Modeling positive social skills provides students with an example to follow, where successful implementation of social skills can lead to a better experience of learning (Chapter 6).

2 Questions I wonder what an example of not needing IM looks like (referring to the tip that sometimes IM is unnecessary) How do you model only positive behavior, when sometimes they are in response to a negative behavior? 1 Application I lead the morning vocabulary time, and I can continue to use IM to reinforce certain literacy skills for the particular worksheet at hand.

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