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WRD103 Process Report YOUR NAME: Eric Jenkins Jr. TITLE OF PAPER: Lower DePauls Tuition 1.

. How much time (about) did you spend planning this paper? (Include reading, note-taking, invention, brainstorming, outlining, etc.) Explain what you did. I spent at least 4 separate days planning this assignment. The 1st day was a confusion day because I didnt know what specifically to work on. The 2nd day was my final topic day. The 3rd day was the day I needed to gather some evidence. Lastly, the 4 th day was preparing my final draft with more in depth evidence. 2. How much time did you spend drafting? Revising?

I spent 1 day working on the draft because petition seemed like an easy document to write. However, I needed to make it sound more convincing and worth of my audience attention. 3. What do you believe are the strengths of this paper? On what levels does it work well? I believe my strengths in the paper would be the evidence I found because the way I displayed them properly. It works well because I get to show my audience the differences between DePaul and other universities and the breakdown of the tuition. 4. What do you think are the weaknesses in the paper? What might you do differently or change in this paper if you had more time? I dont believe I had any weaknesses to hinder my paper as a whole. 5. What do you want a reader to think or understand after having read this paper? (This should be something he or she didnt already know.) I want the reader to understand the possibilities of possibly lowering DePauls tuition through my petition. 6. What kind of feedback would you like me to give on your paper? If you ultimately decide to revise this for your portfolio, how can I help? I would more than likely use this for my final portfolio. Whatever advice or notes you may have. I would gladly appreciate it. I would also love notes on the rhetorical analysis paper for this assignment.

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