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J. M, BROWNING, (CARTRIDGE TUBE, APPLICATION FILED TOY, 10, 1018, 1,095,801. Patented May 5, 1914. FIG I. fatngs "hod thee. eiroriey UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. BROWNING, OF OGDEN, UTAH, CARTRIDGE-TUBE, 1,095,801. ‘Specittention of Letters Patent Patented May 5, 1914, Application fled November 18, 912, Serial No, 732,214 Toall whoin it may concern: ‘Be it Imown that I, Jouw M. Baownta, a citizen of the United States, residing at Ogden, in the State of Utah, have invented 6 certain new and useful Tmprovements in Castridge Tubes, of which the following is 4 specification, . fy invention relates t0 an improved form of tbe for carrying cartridges so that they aay be quickly fonded into tho magazine of 2 repeating firearm, Paper cartridge tubes have heretofore been made with a closure at the filling ond which requires the use of some tool to open it, ‘This tool, usually a special device made for the purpose, must be carried around and used whenever it is desired to load a maga- zine from the tube. ‘The principal object of my invention isto provide a form of closure for cartridge tubes that can be easily opened with the Singer nail and without the so of any tol. “Phe convenience and advantage of this improve. ment, when used by a sportsman in the field and in many other cases, will be easily un- derstood. -A further object is to provide in one form of the invention a movable closure at each end of the tube so that cartridges can be loaded from it into a magazine from either end, ‘The characteristics and advantages of the invention will be sufficiently pointed out in connection with a detailed description of the accompanying drawing which shows some of the possible embodiments of my inven- tion, 10 6 30 35 Figure 1 is a side view of one form of the tube with the feeding end of the tube open. Fig. 2 is a side view with-the tube turned ‘one-quarter way around. Fig. 3 shows the feeding end of the tube closed. Fig. 4 is a longitudinal section showing the tube filled and the feeding end closed. "Fig. 6 is a sec- tional view showing the tube inverted and jn feeding-relation to an imaginary m: pe the feeding end being open for feeding. Fig. 6 is a modification in which the seme closure may be used for both ends of the 50 tube, and Fig. 7 shows the tube of Fig. 6 with both ends closed. ‘eferring to Figs. 1 to 5, inclusive, refer- ence character 1 designates & paper eartridge tube of sufficient thickness to give consider- 4 able lateral stiffness. ‘The bottom end 2 is partly or entirely closed any other suitable way. ‘I ig end is cut away diagonally as at 3, leaving at one side a projection or tongue’ 4. ‘The angle of the cut may be varied considerably. When the feed end is open the tube is filled with cartridges as shown in Fig. 4 and the feed end is then closed by bending or erp: ing in the projection or tongue 4. In a pre- ferred form this bending is dond*in stich a way that when the tongue is closed it has a concave contour 6, it is desired to feed the column of cartridges into a maga. zine, the tongue may easily be opened out straight by the finger nail. This leaves an angular discharge opening very conveniently adapted to be placed against @ gun soci other part of a gun containing a filling open. ing, in an angular position so that the col- umn of cartridges will easily slide out and pass through the filling opening and make the slight turn necessary to enter the maga- zine. ‘ig. 8 shows the tube open with its ing end placed against a part of a gun in- dicated by’ the line 2a adjacsat*Go tho filling opening y. In some cases both ends of the tube may be closed in the manner already described in connection with the filling end shown in Figs. 6 and 7. ‘This is especially convenient when the tube may be required for use in connection with guns in which the eartridges are. to be loaded either bullet first or shell first. Either end can be opened and the cartridges discharged through that end as i gun inuse. 1, A eariridgo tube of celluloss material crimpin, top or of in having its discharge end diagonally formed and provided with an integral closure co that the closure may be readily opened with- out the use of a special tool, and the dis. charge end angularly ited against the gun part fo fill a magazive manta 2. A paper cartridge tube having its dis- charge ond diagonally cits the Proveeting prt nt one side of the tube’so produced be Ing inwardly bent toward the center of the tube forming & closure which may be eau opened with the finger nail to permit de charge of eastridges into a magasine, ge 3 Paper cartridge tue having is dis ge end diagonally cut, the ‘profcctag parbat one side of the tube so prelioed fee ing inwardly bent toward the enter of the 60 6 70 cg 100 108 no 2 1,006,601 tube forming an integral temporary closure | 6, A. cartridgecontaining tube of paper, tube forming an integral Lem peracEmt as | snd ube having one end diagonally et the 26 Charge of cartridges into « magazine. integral extending part thus formed being See ot eae ge te having each end | inwardly bent or erimped to removably en- aiagonfly formed ati temporary closed so | guge the contained cartes; ding ney ent ay be ronily opened and | fA cartridge-containing tube of paper, that ithe hay against gu part to Hla | said tubehaving each end diagonally cut the 25 magazine. Smtended parts thus formed being inwardly gazing. age tube of relatively soft, flex. | bent or crimped to removably engage the oe a ree Red at its discharge end | contained cartridges, the closures thus pro; ih‘ itt part projet atone igo | vided a ech end of se beng fomed aoe ae esee iad dirobicn of the tube axis, | and adapted to retain cartridges by engngy 30 ce eae® being inwardly, eoncavely bent | ing either the balls or the Shell bases chereok. toward the center of the tube, forming a car- trdge retaining closure which may be esily | Gpekel without the use of a special tool to | Witness Hit dacharge of cavtidges nto a magn-) A AnD Zine. K. Barorn JOHN M. BROWNING.

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