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What is the meaning of this biblical quote: Man does not live by bread alone?

Man does not live by bread alone but by the words of God that came from his mouth. If anyone keeps the word of God he shall never see death. Anyone was follow the right path they well be save. Anyone keeps the word of God shall never taste death. Who believes in God has an everlasting life. He is the bread of life. His bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. He is the living bread, which came down from heaven. If anyone s eats of this bred, he will live forever, and the bread that he shall give is a flesh of !esus, which he shall give for the life of the world. If you believe in the word of God. If you abide in his word, you are his disciples. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

What is our life-style determined by our choice of values? Well my life style is simple. I well do my task and responsibility in the house and I share it to my sister and brother. It is a special contribution to the totality of human e"perience, something that deserves to be noted and preserved. I m a kind of person that if that thing is I want to do I must be doing it at least it is good and can help to improve my life in the future. #his is the first step to mourn your personality and to live life in the foolish. #here are many other human beings but none can take my place and live my life. I am a uni$ue someone in terms of the destiny that I am called upon to fulfill. #he terrible drama of those moments of truth is mine and mine alone. When life is lived uni$uely it makes a contribution to history, which lasts forever. What is common is swallowed up and forgotten in the darkness of time. When a person creates his own uni$ue e"istence he has brought forth something with crises above time and which e"ists forever as part of the eternal achievement as mankind and the eternal kingdom of God.

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