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Abbie VanderMeulen Section02 CDVs in the News The article I read was found in the Sunday Grand Rapids

Press. It talks about a state law in place for anyone riding a bike or motorized vehicle without a turning signal. The law says when turning any direction to use your left arm, bend it to an L-shape with your hand in the air to let vehicles know you are turning. A state Representative, Anthony Forlini of R-Harrison Township, introduced a bill that allows bikers to use their right arm for a right hand turn and left arm for a left hand turn. The bill is not a law but if passed will cause less confusion for drivers sharing the road with bicyclists, also making it more safe for those riding bikes. The bill hasnt become a law yet. The bill was introduced for the better for bicyclists and vehicle drivers. People say that it would be safer and cause less confusion for people driving cars. The core democratic value being evaluated is common good. Common good is when we all get together for the greater benefit of everyone in the community. The bill represents the common good because it benefits the bicyclists as well as people driving vehicles. It creates less confusion for both parties, which can help reduce the amount of causalities in the long run. State government is the level of jurisdiction because it would require all people in the state of Michigan to use their right arm for right turns, as well as left arm for left turns. The state legislative branch makes bills that become laws when the representatives have a majority vote for a bill. The level of government is State and the branch of government is legislative.

Focus Questions: 1.What is the problem represented in the article? 2. How do they want to solve the problem? 3. Is the problem solved?

Vande Bunte, M. (2013, October 20). State legislature considers change to turn-signaling rules for bikers. The Grand Rapids Press, p. A8.

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