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William Travis Lee English 1101 Life in a Playbook Ms.

C 9/25/2013

Description and Defense I chose the playbook genre because I feel that it represents my life style and covers a large part of my literacy history. The title of my project is Life in a Playbook. The title represents my life as being a football player and also allows my audience to relate to my lifestyle as well. My literacy history had different pieces that all involved football. I grew up playing football with my dad in the backyard. As I began to get older I began to play on football teams. The first team I ever played on was Lewis Rec Center. We were number in the city and pretty much unstoppable. This set my passion for football to a new high. Football became my life and I didnt want it to ever stop because we were so good! Growing up with a football background it was almost like a destiny for me to play. I loved every moment of every play, practice, and warm-up. The feeling of being on that field was something that some people will never experience. So with choosing the football playbook genre I feel that it represents me to the fullest. My audience would be me, because it is just a little project that is a reminder of my life in the past. But it will also be for others who would like to look at it if they were ever interested in it, such as friends or family. I feel that this genre allows me to express enough about my little narratives to allow people to understand my literacy history. The playbook shows you that I enjoy football and it portrays my lifestyle in a manner that not only I can understand but other people can come to understand with the little descriptions included within them. I will have these in chronological order so that my audience will understand what is going on in my history and when they actually happened. My project is not all just plain and simple. I included pictures, words, football plays/routes, a description of the play or little narrative, and the name of the play or the name of the story. These pictures are of me playing football or events that happened in my literacy history. Some of these pictures have nothing to do with football but I felt like it was an important part in my literacy history therefore I added it in. The routes express the successes and failures of my little narratives and is a way of articulating my experiences in my literacy history. The name of the play would be a nickname for the story I tell within the play. I wasnt able to include in this project a ton of writing because its more of a visual than a lengthy writing piece. I also find that not writing much on this project allows me to express my literacy as well because I have never been the type to write. In high school I hated writing assignments and I felt that they were stupid and wouldnt help me pursue in my favored career. I wanted to convey my literacy in a way of lifestyle that I grew up in. Having grown up playing football ever since I could walk, I feel that this genre conveys my literacy history very well. This project has helped me produce a more visual type of literacy. Being that I am a more visual and hands on learner, this piece matches up greatly with my type of learning styles. The playbook allows me to express not only my literacy history in football but my literacy history at home, school, and the outside world. Overall your piece isnt bad, You know what you want to say and you have good thoughts behind them you just need to be more detailed and go more in depth to your ideas. I commented on some of your word choices, and sentences so you could revise them to make them sound more professional, so just go back and look in other places that you

Comment [a1]: Your first 4 lines should be out of the header, and should not have English 1101 or Ms.Cs name, also make sure your 4th line consists of the materials you used to make your visual. Comment [a2]: Who is your audience Comment [a3]: Has* think about revising sentence and what are the different pieces?

Comment [a4]: Maybe talk about a game where you fell in love with the game Comment [a5]: Be creative, since I started playing with a football before I was walking or something catchy Comment [a6]: Put two sentences together since they relate to each other

Comment [a7]: What are these narratives? Maybe give an example so we have something to look out for when looking at the playbook

Comment [a8]: What do they have to do with if not football? And why are they important enough to be in a football playbook

Comment [a9]: Word choice Comment [a10]: one who enjoys to Comment [a11]: What made you hate writing Comment [a12]: Maybe say with my playbook I wanted to express the lifestyle I grew up in Comment [a13]: Word choice Comment [a14]: Put together since they relate, and revise a little so it will flow

William Travis Lee English 1101 Life in a Playbook Ms. C 9/25/2013

would find the same idea. I think if you make these changes your project will be good enough to submit, but remember for the new details you add to speak clearly and use strong words. If you want to go above and beyond, really write strong in your narrative. Maybe talk about your team and the hours you spent or how I mentioned in one of my comments, a game that you honestly felt that you fell in love with football and couldnt give get enough, be really detailed.

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