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What are the gender differences in learning styles in my Family Child Care?

Perspectives on gender development Maccoby, E.E., (2000) This study examines how boys and girls differ developmentally.

Age effects and gender differences on post-conflict reconciliation in preschool children Westlund, K., Horowitz, L., Jansson, L., Ljungberg,T. (2008) This study suggests that girls compromise and reconcile more often than boys

Variation in children's classroom engagement throughout a day in preschool: Relations to classroom and child factors. Vitiello, V.E., Booren, L.M., Downer, J.T., Williford, A.P., (2012) This article provides evidence that children in the United States between the ages of three and five are enrolled in preschool programs more than ever.

Play and Child Development 4th Edition Frost, L. J., Wortham, C. S., Reifel, S., (2012) Addresses gender differences in play.

& Gender Differences in Temperament at Six Months and Five Years Martin, R.P., Wisenbaker, J., Baker, J., (1997) This study provides evidence that there are gender differences in temperamental characteristics of preschool children.

The Relationship between perceived physical competence and fundamental motor skills in preschool children. Robinson, L., (2010) This article suggests that boys have more proficient motor skills and higher physical competence than girls.

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