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KinderStars Daycare Wellness Policy

One of the most important concerns at KinderStars Daycare is that I provide a safe and sanitary environment for children. It is my priority that the necessary steps be taken ahead of time to prevent illness and transmission of disease. It would be ideal if that standard could always be met, however, there will inevitably be times when a child arrives before symptoms are obvious. At the first evidence of health situations, we take immediate steps to isolate the contagion and limit the exposure to other children. KinderStars Daycare has very little control over transmission of an illness if I am not aware of current symptoms. KinderStars Daycare depends on the parents to be responsible about the possibility of contagiousness if a child shows signs of illness at home. Parents must be aware of the situation they create when a child is given medication to hide or diminish symptoms before bringing their child to daycare. The possibility of spreading the illness to other children is extremely high, especially if there is a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Parents can and should plan ahead by making provisions for alternate day care when their child is sick. The odds are that it will happen, so dont wait until it does and find you in despair. If you cannot take care of your child at home during an illness, you will need to find someone who can. The following steps must be taken when illness occurs to minimize risk and control the spread of illness: 1) Inform the KinderStars Daycare if your child is exposed to a contagious disease (including but not limited to the following): Chicken pox, strep infection, hepatitis A, bacterial meningitis, pertussis, measles, rubella, mumps, impetigo, head lice, diarrheal diseases 2) KinderStars Daycare requires you to keep your child at home if he/she develops symptoms of disease that may endanger the health of other children. I know it isnt realistic for parents to keep a child home every time there is a runny nose, but some symptoms will endanger your childs health as well as the health of others. If the child shows symptoms of an infection, these guidelines are the basis for our sick policies and will require immediate action by KinderStars Daycare and parents. I will be required to remove the child from other children to avoid exposure and parents must promptly find a way to pick up their child. If you are unable to respond in person, please have a back-up person available to pick up your child.

Symptoms requiring exclusion include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. A temperature of 100 degrees, of 38.0 C+ and additional symptoms (i.e., lethargy, sleeping, extreme crankiness, etc.). 2. Vomiting or diarrhea (two loose bowel movements is indication of infection). 3. Extreme runny nose or dark/gree n discharge. 4. Ongoing cough, resulting in expulsion of phlegm or vomiting. 5. Discolored matter in the eyes or extreme redness around pupil (pink eye). 6. Skin irritation causing discomfort such as rash, blisters, itching (poison oak). 7. Sore throat (including redness or pain accompanied by loss of voice, swollen glands, white spots or blisters).

I have been advised by physicians that children who cut teeth will not run a fever of over 38.0 C. Therefore, the province considers a temperature of 38.0 C to be indication of a contagious factor and mandates that the child be sent home. Response time is vital! If you are notified of your childs symptoms, please respond promptly...this helps limit the exposure contagiousness to the other children. Your child may return to KinderStars Daycare when the following criteria are met:

No fever for 12 hours, UN-medicated, prior to attendance. This means you absolutely CAN NOT give them Tylenol (or any fever reducer) to mask the fever and send them in. I am legally not allowed to give the child any medications unless accompanied by doctors note with instructions in the original package.

If a child returns and within the course of the day begins to run a temp. of 38.0 C + I will again request that you remove them from the KinderStars Daycare .

If your child has a contagious infection, they may return once the fever has abated and they have been on their medication for a minimum of 24 hours.

Viral infections cannot be cured with a medication and must be allowed to run their course, at home!

Contagious Illnesses
Diarrhea* Child will be sent home for diarrhea that occurs three or more times per day for and two or more times per day for toddlers and preschool children. Child may return to child care when diarrhea has not occurred in the previous 24 hours. If there appears to be blood present in the stool, immediate medical attention is necessary. Diarrhea of one week duration is an indication for medical evaluation, and a note from a healthcare provider will be required for continued attendance. *All diarrhea is a health concern in the daycare. Cold Child may be sent home with any of the following symptoms or complaints: Nasal congestion/runny nose Chills Postnasal drip/sore throat Red, watery eyes Neck, head, muscle aches Sneezing Cough/hoarseness Breathing difficulty Listlessness/loss of appetite Fever Profuse or yellow-green nasal discharge Ear drainage

Coxsackie Virus Although there is debate surrounding this issue, a diagnosis of coxsackie virus by the childs healthcare provider requires exclusion from child care until mouth lesions are resolved, child can eat and drink, and has been fever free for twenty-four hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Lesions on the hands and feet are not reasons for exclusion, but lesions which are not dried up must be kept covered. Herpes Virus A diagnosis of herpes requires exclusion from child care until lesions appear dried and no longer active (indicating they are non-contagious) or can be covered by a bandage. The recurrent nature of herpes makes it necessary for the child care centers to follow these guidelines with each successive episode. Impetigo Child may return following twenty-four hours of treatment (may include topical or oral). Draining lesions should be covered with a bandage (i.e., Band-Aid). Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Child will be sent home if either eye is draining cloudy or has colored discharge. Child may return to child care when: He/she has been on antibiotics for twenty-four hours, or He/she is accompanied by a doctors note stating that the drainage is caused by a non-contagious condition (such as a blocked tear duct). If the child returns to child care and symptoms do not improve or should worsen, re-evaluation may be required. Ringworm/Tinea Child may return to child care after one treatment as long as lesions can be kept covered by clothing or bandage for one day. Roseola Child may return to child care when fever is gone and child has a doctors note stating that he/she has resolving roseola and is not contagious. Strep Throat Child must be on an antibiotic for twenty-four hours before returning to child care. Child must feel well enough to eat, drink, and participate in all classroom activities. Thrush Child may return to child care after one treatment, as long as the child is able to eat, drink, and participate in all classroom activities. Chicken Pox Child may return to child care after seven days from the onset of the rash or when all lesions are crusted over. Lice Child may return to child care when nits (eggs) can no longer be found on the child by the child care staff. f I have a medical issue that will hold me back from taking care of the children, I will have a Sub (who is qualified) working on my sick days.

Medication Policy
As a family daycare provider, I can NOT administer medications to children unless they have been provided by the parents, are contained in an original container with that child's name on it, and EACH DOSE is signed for in advance by the parents and physician. My agency provides medication forms for this purpose. Too many children have become injured or have died through accidental poisoning. All medications in my home must be locked up, and this includes medications and ointments left in purses or diaper bags. I even have a lockable container for medications that must be refrigerated! It is the parents' responsibility to inform me at the time of drop-off of any medications contained in their child's diaper bag so that I can store them safely.

Please understand the importance of these guidelines. They are for the protection of your child as well as the others. The only way for KinderStars Daycare to break the ongoing transfer of illness is to remove the contagious party until the threat of infection has passed. However strict this may seem, I feel it is the best possible way to stop the cycle. One way to bring some understanding to the parents is to ask them to picture this scenario.... ...When your child is playing with another child that is running a slight fever, they are being exposed to the infection that child is carrying. ...If that child does not leave the center, they could conceivably pass the illness on to every child they are in the room with. ...When your child comes down with that infection, they will have to stay home for a few days until they recover (you may miss a few days of work). ...The cycle will not stop until each child that is contagious is removed from the facility and given time to heal from the infection.

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