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Dayna Bickley

What is Copyright?
Copyright is the protection over ownership of a persons original work.

The first copyright law was passed in 1783 The first copyright law protected a persons work for only 14 years. Now it can protect work for up to 95 years.


Copyright laws prevent people from stealing others original works.

Copying a persons work without the owners permission and calling it their own is called plagiarism.

Fair Use & Public Domain

Fair Use is the concept that embodies the idea that limited borrowing from the work of others was acceptable when that borrowing produces something useful and new.
Public Domain are works that are either ineligible for copyright protection or with expired copyrights.

American Copyright..
There are four democratic safeguards that American Copyright embodies

1) A guarantee that all works would enter the public domain once the copyright term expired 2) A collection of purposes that consumers could consider Fair Use, such as limited copying for education of research 3) The principle that after the first sale of a copyrighted item, the buyer could whatever he/she wants with the item (save distributed unauthorized copies for profit) 4) The concept that copyright projects specific expression of idea, but not ideas themselves.

Why is Copyright Important?

It gives the original inventor or creator of the work, credit and rights to their creation. If a person gets credit for their work it pushes more people to make more inventions and expand their creativity.

Copyright makes it that only you and the people you sign off with profit from your personal works

Copyright gives you ownership to your invention or writings. So you have to accept criticism, both good and bad.

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