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Lacy Adorante Best Blog Entry Portfolio Le 21 novembre 2013 Les Strotypes After viewing the videos and

thinking about the definition of stereotype, it is clear that both Americans and French stereotype each other and believe in the labels they are given. Stereotypes of Americans seem to be the most common in the form of the "tourist" stereotype. In the second video we watched, the American man was portrayed as going over to visit Paris and having no idea about France's culture, language, and traditions. The man in the video is played as clueless and therefore viewed as rude in the French culture. I would say that is the most common stereotype French have on Americans. On the other hand, the most common stereotypes Americans have for the French is that they are snobby, fashionable, and romantic. In the first video it was clear that out of the sample taken all the people interviewed seem to notice those stereotypes and thoroughly believe them to be true. Stereotypes always originate somewhere, mostly from stretching of the truth. I think that they should be avoided as much as possible, because sometimes they are unfair judgments due to a lack of true

knowledge about a subject. The French and Americans stereotype each other, and this leads to more and more people believing that these generalizations are true for both countries.

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