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Over the past week I have been editing the shots that we produced on our shoot day.

We have been editing on 'Final Cut Pro', we have been working as a group to produce a rough cut of all of our shots. It has taken us a long ti e to produce this rough cut because we wanted to produce a final product that will be close to our finished product after we have added other ele ent that ake the video the best it could be and the highest !uality. We wanted the audience to see all of the different cuts so we have anaged to put in all of the shots in by using the techni!ue of syncing all the perfor ance scenes and then editing in all the narrative perfor ance after, this enabled us to edit our shoot !uicker than we e"pected because we could finished all perfor ance then edit the narrative scenes in after so that we could create a usic video that showed the best of our perfor ance ele ents and narrative ele ents. #o e of our shots that we fil ed were not acceptable to use in our rough cut because they were issues with the shots, for e"a ple one of the shots of perfor ance the lighting was not bright enough and as viewers we struggled to see the singers face eaning that we were not able to use this shot in the final editing. $nother issue was that one of our narrative shots was not all in focus and when we wanted the audience%s attention to be on one of the actors faces it was not possible because the ca era was out of focus and it was focused instead on the du y, unfortunately we were not able to put this shot into the final cut because it did not portray the correct eaning. &owever we were very lucky because the a'ority of the shots that we fil ed were up to a high enough standard that we could put into the final cut. (his helped us organise each shot as well. Cutting to the beat of the song to the usic was also a key aspect of the editing process. because we used a lot of lip syncing it was i portant to ake sure that the usic was in ti e. Cutting to the beat also eant the shots were in sync to the usic which ade it ore interesting and s oother to watch. We used repeated shots in the du y scene and a few in the perfor ance shot. (his was because it worked well in certain parts of the song to use repetition. )ariations was created by first cutting the perfor ance scenes first of the ain ale and fe ale singers, which was then followed by the du y scene which broken up the perfor ance scenes. (he essages that we wanted to portray to the audience is that life is sacred and that we should respect it. We wanted to show this because we felt that the song was saying that life isn't always what we think but we should still en'oy and respect it. We portrayed this through any ways starting with the representation of the du y being a hu an that has ended up being operated on because of a car crash. (he du y represented the fe ale singer hence the blood that goes down her face showing that she has been in an accident that ended up with her in her dying.

(he audience feed*back that we received when we showed our rough cut was very positive fellow pupils thought that we had cut the shots together very s oothly and they also en'oyed the shots that we had chosen to edit, they believed it brought good colours and they en'oyed the narrative side to the usic video as well as the perfor ance.

$s a group I feel that we worked very well together to co plete the final 'rough cut'. I personally contributed to the process by giving creative insight into the editing for e"a ple I thought that having the !uickly cut section in the video would give an upbeat i age to the video and as a group we felt that it worked very well. I also got involved with the actually editing and helped cut so e of the final product.

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