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Two Biiuges Neighboihoou Council, Inc.

27S Cheiiy Stieet, New Yoik, NY 1uuu2

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Thank you foi youi caie, stewaiuship, anu paiticipation with the
Two Biiuges Little Fiee Libiaiy this yeai!

With the snow anu colu weathei on the way, we have ueciueu to take
uown the Little Fiee Libiaiy foi the Wintei season.

Buiing this time, the libiaiy's aitist anu aichitect, Chat Tiavieso, will make
necessaiy iepaiis anu touch ups to keep the libiaiy in top conuition.

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We look foiwaiu to celebiating the ie-installation of the Libiaiy with you
anu youi family when the waimei weathei ietuins!

Bave Questions About the Two Biiuges Little Fiee Libiaiy.
Please Contact (212) S66-2729 oi infotwobiiuges.oig

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