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Listoe 1

Christian Listoe Professor Raymond November 11,2013


Detour The initial ideas that I had for this project were about trucks or outdoors activities. My partner Jordan Money came up with the idea of better preparation in high school for higher education. After talking about all the topics brought to the table, we decided to use his idea. I thought this was a good topic because we both have different views and xperiences from high school. Together we both believe that we were not prepared eno college. One area of our project that surprised me, were. Jordan came from a la high school in a school in a big town next to attending each school, we bot experien ed the same things. We both were in clubs and played sports. Coming to college we m clicked and talked all night long. eac other at soar. After talking for about five minutes, we project topic was easy to talk about and the research I have as how close our high school experiences all town near his house. I attended a 4a high for the rigor of classes in

found supports our topic of the need for better preparation to succeed in higher education in high school. After completing the research and adding each of our experiences, our project is complete and very good. Overall our project scope has not changed drastically but we did change from in all high schools, to high schools and education in North Carolina.

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