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Dillon Rayner Ms. Raymond ENGL 1103 1 Oct 13 Shouldve Been a Cowboy I consider my name to be very special to me.

My parents thought of it and each one of my names has a meaning behind it. One is from the Bible, another is from a song, and the last is from Germany. My first name, Joshua, came from the Bible. My family have always been big Christians so my parents felt it right that my first name was to pay respect to God. Even though I have always been called by my middle name, I still feel honored to have my first name come from the Bible. My middle name, Dillon, came from a song by Toby Keith, titled Shouldve Been a Cowboy. The very first line of the song is I bet you never heard ol Marshal Dillon say, and my parents told me that once they heard that, they knew that that was what they wanted me to be named. That line is actually a reference to the old western television show Gunsmoke, whose main character was a US Marshal named Matt Dillon, so it could also be said that that is where the idea for my name originated. My last name was obviously not one that my parents could choose upon, but I still hold a high sense of pride in it. Rayner is a German last name, and I found out years ago that is roughly translates to warrior, which I find to be extremely cool. That is actually one of the reasons I want to join the military, so that I can live up to my name.

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