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Cerrito 1 Tyler Cerrito Mrs.

Raymond 1103 29 October 2013 Felix My great great great great grandpa, Philipp Biehler, lived from 1804 to 1878. He was a farmer and tool maker in Richenback, Germany. He worked hard day in and day out to provide for the 7 children that he had. Everyone always called him Felix because that was what he preferred to be called (Gringras). One day a boy of the age of 14 came scrambling down the cobblestone streets of Richenback. He was talking in an animated voice to people all over town. Felix was taking a leisurely walk among his crops nearest the road, when he saw the boy sprinting down the road with one hand holding his cap on his head and the other pumping to the beat of his feet. Felix walked over to the boy and asked him what could be wrong. The boy told Felix a surprising story about a man who was trampled by a horse and buggy downtown. Once his story was over the boy let out a deep guttural sigh and said that life is too short. Felix retorted that he merely wished for 10 more years (Gringras). This was his reply to any statement about the length of life. He wanted 10 more years so he could continue to support his struggling family. But he was so famous for this statement that everyone in town knew his phrase. The boy chuckled because he knew all about this phrase and that old Felix loved to say it. The boy then decided that he would inform Felix by saying Sir, you should tie your shoe so you do not trip. Of course the boy said that in German. But Felix bent down to tie his shoe and right as he was completing the

Cerrito 2 double knot his heart gave a rattle and a jump. He was having a stroke right there in the field near the road. The boy could do nothing but watch in awe as the old man laid on the ground suffering. The boy ran to the farm house shouting out to Felixs family that he had fallen and wasnt moving. Felixs wife Maria followed by several of their now older children came out of the house wondering what the commotion was all about. Several of the sons came from the field to see what the problem was. Upon everyones arrival on the scene the sons picked up their father and Maria told the messenger boy to go to town and get a doctor. Felix was laid onto a bed and Maria laid cool wet rags on his forehead because she did not know what else to do. She was worried for her husband and was very confused as to what ailed him. He was still breathing just slowly and painfully, and he winced with each sharp breathe. The doctor arrived and looked over Felix. He told Maria that Felix had suffered a stroke and may not live too long as evidenced by his painful breathing. A week later Felix passed away on April 7th 1878 at 74. I am sure that he only wished for ten more years (Gringras).

Cerrito 3 Works Cited: Gringras, Candace. Personal interview. 12 Oct. 2013.

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