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Literary Extravaganza Chitkara School of Languages facilitated the MBA batch of 2011-13 with a module designed to aide them

in transition from classroom to industry. A wise man quoted, Teach me and Ill forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and Ill understand embodying the same spirit the courseware involved the students through various ingenious activities to ensure holistic development of the nascent minds into industry ready turks. The students were nurtured through self discovering exercises like the The Intern. They were given a birds view of the corporate terminologies. Their creative cells were tingled with the Cannes worthy Ad Mad show. The dynamic environment in the Newsroom project honed their spontaneity and decision making skills. The students imbibed the art of thought selection and value addition via activities like We the people. Movie screening added to the synergistic environment. TED TALKS a platform to infuse confidence and propel effective public speaking in the students was organized. Students enacted and lived the lives of their personal icons in the invigorating Press Conference. The magnum opus which saw these future leaders enkindle and enthuse fervor in all present as they carried on animated debate sessions as young parliamentarians in the concluding event The Parliamentary Debate. The month long marathon ended on the 12th leaving students with an appetite for such ameliorating worshops.

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