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1. What purpose or purposes does compiling an annotated bibliography serve?

Is a organizing tool that is helpful when working on a research project. Something that is effective for the annotated bibliography is to accumulate sources and provide the researcher fast information that is contained in each of the sources. 2. How can compiling an annotated bibliography help you next write your Community Problem Report? Finding your sources will give you information that you can rely on to prove evidence for your topic. 3. Considering that your sources will largely be concerned with the same topic, what will you need to do in order to compose substantive, rather than superficial or repetitive, annotations? Use different aspects of my topic. 4. As the audience for this assignment are your scholarly peers, explain how this effected how you wrote your annotations. The way it affected me by was that I leveled out the words and clearly explained what is that Im speaking of so my peers can well understand what is that my topic is about.

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