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Jack Jorgenson 20th Century History 22 October 2013 NHD NAFTA Sources Aguilar, Julian.

Twenty Years Later, Nafta Remains a Source of Tension. The New York Times. The Texas Tribune, December 7, 2012. Web. 30 Sept. 2013.Things in this article that will be useful to have are quotes from interviews with people affected by NAFTA, good facts about NAFTA, and a look into how NAFTA affected business owners in the United States. This paper is from a reputable source (The New York Times) so I believe that it is usable for my project. This article also is not one sided so it will be able to support and oppose my thesis.

"Bill Clinton's Remarks on the Signing of NAFTA." Presidential Speeches [Video] 1 Nov. 2011. U.S. History In Context. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. This will be a good source to have for quotes to use for my website. These are also quotes that people will pay attention to because the speaker, Bill Clinton, is a famous and notable figure. I will be able to use these quotes for multiple things like in paragraphs and on the page of the website.

C. Nagel, M. "North American Free Trade Agreement." St. James Encyclopedia of Labor History Worldwide. Ed. Neil Schlager. Vol. 2. Detroit: St. James Press, 2004. 61-66. World History In Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2013. World History In Context is a good and reliable source. I will be able to use the timeline that this article has to offer very well and I believe it will be very nice to have for my online site. It also has a good section on the beginning of NAFTA.

"CETA's nice. NAFTA is essential." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada] 28 Oct. 2013: A11.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 5 Nov. 2013. I would like to use this article to show the canadian side of NAFTA. It is written by a Canadian so it is bassist toward canada which will allow me to have facts from the Canadian side which I lack. It also compares another trade agreement with NAFTA I believe that will give my project a depth for the reader to see other trade agreements. It also shows effects on Canada from NAFTA which I can use.

Chambers, Edward J. "Nafta." History of World Trade Since 1450. Ed. John J. McCusker. Vol. 2. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. 513-516. World History In Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2013. This article has a section that explains NAFTAs impact. This will be useful to have to show how NAFTA affected workers both in mexico and in the United States. It also contains good facts on how NAFTA affected the economies of the USA, Canada, and Mexico.

Commager, Mary. "North American Free Trade Agreement." Dictionary of American History. Ed. Stanley I. Kutler. 3rd ed. Vol. 6. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003. 124-125. U.S. History In Context. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. This article shows the american side of NAFTA. It explores what NAFTA was designed to do, why it was created, and what the people in the countries thought about it. This will be a good counter article to my Article on Mexicos side of NAFTA.

PBS. NEED TO KNOW After NAFTA. PBS, Oct 31, 2011. Web. 5 November, 2013. I believe it is useful to have a variety of ways to communicate information to the reader. This video will do just that. It also gives first hand encounters with NAFTA. This will allow the reader to feel connected to my topic.

"North American Free Trade Agreement." Environmental Encyclopedia. Gale, 2011.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 5 Nov. 2013. This article shows and explains about many of the side agreements that went along with the passing of NAFTA such as labor side agreements or environmental agreements. This will be interesting to have so I can explain NAFTA in depth and not just an overview. Also I will be able to use the side agreements to bring up controverses on rights of the people on these agreements.

"North American Free Trade Agreement." Gale Encyclopedia of American Law. Ed. Donna Batten. 3rd ed. Vol. 7. Detroit: Gale, 2010. 290-292. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2013. This article will act as my opposing viewpoint. It can give another viewpoint on the NAFTA act. Another positive thing about have this article as a source is that there is a section in the article that talks about economics and a how NAFTA had an effect on it.

North American Free Trade Agreement. Public Citizen. Public Citizen, 2013. Web. 30 September, 2013. This article supports my thesis because it contains information on the opposers against NAFTA and why they had such different views on it. The article also contains information on people for NAFTA and why they were for it. The article has a difference in views. I believe this will be useful to have so that all my information is not one sided.

"North American Free Trade Agreement." West's Encyclopedia of American Law. Ed. Shirelle Phelps and Jeffrey Lehman. 2nd ed. Vol. 7. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 263-265.U.S. History In Context. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. This Article explores the laws and financial side of NAFTA. This will be useful to have to help me with my page on the responsibilities of

governments and big countries. I enjoy how this article is full of small but very useful facts about money and what went into and out of NAFTA.

"North American Free Trade Agreement." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr. 2nd ed. Vol. 5. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 539542. World History In Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2013. World History in context is a good reliable source. This article contains good section on the economic progress that NAFTA has had. It will also be useful to have for my page for the section on the responsibilities of the governments. I also believe that this article can provide good facts on the effects of NAFTA.

"Preamble to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)." American Decades Primary Sources. Ed. Cynthia Rose. Vol. 10: 1990-1999. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 51-54. U.S. History In Context. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. Because this is a primary source it gives me a variety from where Im getting my information. It also breaks down NAFTA into a few short sentences which I can use to get the idea across to the reader without boring them. I like how talks about the significance of NAFTA and how much of an impact it has had on the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico.

Surez-Mier, Manuel, and Byron Crites. "North American Free Trade Agreement. "Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Ed. Jay Kinsbruner and Erick D. Langer. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. 849-850. World History In Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. This article is written from the side of mexico mostly and shows how NAFTA has had an effects on its economy. I believe that this will be good to have to show how NAFTA affected the economy of mexico because I already have one

that shows how it affect the people of mexico. To add to that it will be useful to have a diverse sources.

Weiner, Tim. NAFTA: Pros and Cons of a Trade Agreement. The New York Times, February 27, 2002. This article shows how NAFTA left workers unemployed and how big american companies took advantage of NAFTA and the free trade. Having this article will be good for my topic because I will be able to show how NAFTA was used on a business side. It also has person accounts of how NAFTA affect farmers in Mexico.

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