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# Implementation of classic arcade game Pong import simplegui import random # initialize globals - pos and vel encode

vertical info for paddles WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 400 BALL_RADIUS = 20 PAD_WIDTH = 8 PAD_HEIGHT = 80 HALF_PAD_WIDTH = PAD_WIDTH / 2 HALF_PAD_HEIGHT = PAD_HEIGHT / 2 # helper function that spawns a ball, returns a position vector and a velocity v ector global paddle1_vel global paddle2_vel global w global s # if right is True, spawn to the right, else spawn to the left def ball_init(right): global ball_pos, ball_vel,w1,s1,w2,s2 # these are vectors stored as lists w1=5 w2=5 s1=5 s2=5 ball_pos=[WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2] if right==1: test=random.randrange(2, 5) else: test=random.randrange(2,5) test=-test ball_vel=[test,random.randrange(1, 4)] # define event handlers def init(): global paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel # these are float s global score1, score2 # these are ints global count1,count2 count1=0 count2=0 paddle1_pos=[HALF_PAD_WIDTH,0] paddle2_pos=[WIDTH-HALF_PAD_WIDTH,0] paddle1_vel=0 paddle2_vel=0 ball_init(random.randrange(-1,2)) def draw(c): global score1, score2, paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, ball_pos, ball_vel global radius global count1,count2 radius=12 # update paddle's vertical position, keep paddle on the screen paddle1_pos[1]=paddle1_pos[1]+paddle1_vel paddle2_pos[1]=paddle2_pos[1]+paddle2_vel if paddle1_pos[1]<=0:

paddle1_pos[1]=0 if paddle1_pos[1]>=HEIGHT-PAD_HEIGHT: paddle1_pos[1]=HEIGHT-PAD_HEIGHT if paddle2_pos[1]<=0: paddle2_pos[1]=0 if paddle2_pos[1]>=HEIGHT-PAD_HEIGHT: paddle2_pos[1]=HEIGHT-PAD_HEIGHT # draw mid line and gutters c.draw_line([WIDTH / 2, 0],[WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT], 1, "White") c.draw_line([PAD_WIDTH, 0],[PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White") c.draw_line([WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, 0],[WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White") # draw paddles c.draw_line([paddle1_pos[0], paddle1_pos[1]],[paddle1_pos[0],paddle1_pos[1]+ PAD_HEIGHT], PAD_WIDTH, "White") c.draw_line([paddle2_pos[0], paddle2_pos[1]],[paddle2_pos[0], paddle2_pos[1] +PAD_HEIGHT], PAD_WIDTH, "White") # update ball ball_pos[0]=ball_pos[0]+ball_vel[0] ball_pos[1]=ball_pos[1]+ball_vel[1] if ball_pos[0]<=paddle1_pos[0]+radius+HALF_PAD_WIDTH and ball_pos[1]>=paddle 1_pos[1] and ball_pos[1]<=paddle1_pos[1]+PAD_HEIGHT: ball_pos[0]==paddle1_pos[0] ball_vel[0]=ball_vel[0]*-1.1 ball_vel[1]=ball_vel[1]*1.1 if ball_pos[0]>=paddle2_pos[0]-radius-HALF_PAD_WIDTH and ball_pos[1]>=paddle 2_pos[1] and ball_pos[1]<=paddle2_pos[1]+PAD_HEIGHT: ball_pos[0]==paddle2_pos[0] ball_vel[0]=ball_vel[0]*-1.1 ball_vel[1]=ball_vel[1]*1.1 if ball_pos[1]<=radius : ball_pos[1]=radius ball_vel[1]=ball_vel[1]*-1 elif ball_pos[1]>=HEIGHT-radius: ball_pos[1]=HEIGHT-radius ball_vel[1]=ball_vel[1]*-1 if ball_pos[0]>=WIDTH-radius: count1=count1+1 ball_init(0) if ball_pos[0]<=radius: count2=count2+1 ball_init(1) # draw ball and scores c.draw_circle((ball_pos[0], ball_pos[1]),radius,8, "Green") c.draw_text(str(count1), [WIDTH/4,HEIGHT/4], 36, "Red") c.draw_text(str(count2), [3*WIDTH/4,HEIGHT/4], 36, "Red") def keydown(key): global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel,w1,s1,w2,s2 if key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["down"]: s1=s1+1 paddle1_vel=s1 elif key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["s"]:

s2=s2+1 paddle2_vel=s2 elif key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["w"]: s2=s2+1 paddle2_vel=-s2 elif key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["up"]: s1=s1+1 paddle1_vel=-s1 def keyup(key): global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel if key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["down"]: s2=w2 paddle1_vel=0 elif key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["s"]: s1=w1 paddle2_vel=0 elif key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["w"]: s2=w2 paddle2_vel=0 elif key==simplegui.KEY_MAP["up"]: s1=w1 paddle1_vel=0 pass # create frame frame = simplegui.create_frame("Pong", WIDTH, HEIGHT) frame.set_draw_handler(draw) frame.set_keydown_handler(keydown) frame.set_keyup_handler(keyup) frame.add_button("Restart", init, 100) # start frame init() frame.start() ball_init(0)

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