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<center> <a class="link1" onClick="document.getElementById('main').innerHTML=document.get ElementById('faq').innerHTML" title="Admin">Admin</a> <a class="link1" onClick="document.getElementById('main').innerHTML=document.get ElementById('cbox').innerHTML" title="Affies">Message</a> <a class="link1" onClick="document.getElementById('main').innerHTML=document.get ElementById('credits').innerHTML" title="Credits">Credits</a> <a class="link1" onClick="document.getElementById('main').innerHTML=document.get ElementById('stuff').innerHTML" title="Affies">Affies</a> </center> <div id="main"> </div> <div id="faq" style="display:none;"> </br> <img class="lov" src=" png"/>The excited feeling First time for this sensation I feel like I m under a spell When I look at you </br> <div id="cbox" style="display:none;"> </BR> <center><img style="border-radius:0px;" src=" Bg/T1_el7TraMI/AAAAAAAABWo/PitG_UQMs8k/s1600/cbox.jpg" ></center>

<!----- DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDITS :)-----!> <div id="credits" style="display: none;"> </BR> <center> <b>Creator of the skin</b> <a href=""> Yeza </a></br> <b>And some helps from</b> <a href="">x</a>< a href="">o</a><a href="http://weheartit .com">x</a><a href="">o</a><a href=" nization/">x</a><a href="">0</a> </center></br> <!----- DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDITS :)-----!> <div id="stuff" style="display:none;"> <br> Hello Hello you shiny boy! Cupid s arrow Has pierced my heart I shake (with excitement) when I see you.


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