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STREGA FORMATION Blessed Michaelmas to all may Michael bring prosperity, protection, healing o the spirit, body and

mind to all! May his right hand in "hich holds the S"ord o #$stice bring all %$stice "ho ha&e been "ronged and may those "ho ha&e committed crimes against yo$ and this earth ha&e the inal %$stice o Michael's S"ord, may those "ho see( healing, protections, prosperity, and enlightenment see( the rays o the spectre in "hich Michael carries in his le t hand may that light shine so bright that is remo&es all ills, sic(nesses, diseases, shado"s that hold $s bac( as they "ill be blinding by radiating rays o the S$n and the p$re light o Michael's energies!

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