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1. Elements of a Plot: Exposition - Introduces all of the main characters in the story.

It shows how they relate to one another, what their goals and motivations are, and the kind of person they are. Rising Action - It starts with the death of the characters or a conflict. In this phase the protagonist understands his or her goal and begins to work toward it. maller problems thwart their initial success and, in this phase, progress is directed primarily against these secondary obstacles. Climax - !he point of clima" is the turning point of the story, where the main character makes the single big decision that defines the outcome of the story and who he or she is as a person. It is the highest point of the story. Falling Action - !his is where loose ends are being tied up. #owever, it is often the time of greatest overall tension, because it is the phase in which everything goes mostly wrong. Resolution - !his is where the story$s mystery and%or problems is%are solved. In this stage all patterns of events accomplish some artistic or emotional effect. Source:

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