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Integrating the web

Lesson plan B New wonders Level: Intermediate, upper primary or secondary Theme: Three of the new seven wonders of the world: Great Wall of China | Colosseum | Machu Pichu Focus: Reading, speaking Aim: To describe information about one of the 7 Wonders

1. Pre-task warmer Write the names of the three wonders on the board and ask if the students have heard of them. Brainstorm as much information as possible: where they are, what they were for etc. Put their suggestions on the board in three columns. Divide the class into pairs. Assign each pair one of the three wonders. 2. Research Ask each group to research their topic using at least two of the sites below and to confirm or correct the information on the board. Tell them also to make brief notes on the main points they have missed and other interesting information they find so they can report to the rest of the class later. Set a time limit of 20 minutes. Main research sites: Britannica free encyclopaedia Encarta free encyclopaedia Wikipedia user-generated encyclopaedia Official New 7 Wonders site

Checking unknown words Cambridge learners dictionary

3. Post-task activity Divide the class into new groups of 3 so each person in the group has looked at a different wonder. Give them 5 to 10 minutes to exchange information. Each group appoints a spokesperson who reports to the rest of the class on the main points of interest.

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