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Integrating the web

Lesson plan C Superheroes Level: Pre-intermediate, upper primary or lower secondary Theme: Superheroes, personalities, abilities Focus: Speaking Aim: To use descriptive language to describe the attributes of a superhero. 1. Pre-task warmer Brainstorm superheroes that the students know and write them on the board, e.g. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and get students to say something about their personalities (good, evil etc.) and abilities (Superman can see through walls etc). 2. Building a superhero If possible demonstrate how to create a superhero using the website:

Ask students to work in pairs/threes and go to the website and make their own superhero on their own computers. If you have access to a colour printer, the students can add colours to their superhero. If you dont have colour printers, then print the superheroes out blank and the students can colour them in themselves. 3. Language focus Ask students to write about their superhero using the following prompts: My superheros called _______________________. My superheros personality: My superheros appearance: My superhero wears My superhero can My superhero cant My superhero likes. My superhero doesnt like

4. Post-task activity Ask students to describe their superhero to different groups.

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