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Integrating the web

Evaluating a lesson plan Answer sheet

Once you have looked at the lesson plan, make some comments under these questions. Lesson plan: C Superheroes 1 How would this lesson fit into a syllabus? Any lesson about abilities or describing people. 2 What level of English would a student need to use this? The language focus would inevitably be for a lower level. The website does not require a high level of English. 3 What pre- and post-task activities could be used? Post-task students could vote for their best superhero. 4 What computer skills would the students need? Ability to navigate around a Flash application. 5 What language skills is this lesson practising? Describing people. 6 What anticipated problems can you think of when using this idea? Need Flash player and is quite data-heavy so can take some time to load. Students can take too long producing their superhero.

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