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1st. He is very loving 2nd. He works really hard to support our family 3rd.

He is funny and loves to play with us kids 4th. He is caring and gentle with our family 5th. He is daring and not afraid to try new things 6th. He drives me to seminary in the early mornings! 7th. He teaches us how to feel the Spirit 8th. He provides a home and food for us 9th. He is patient and listening 10th. He spends time with everyone in our family 11th. He teaches us right from wrong 12th. He follows the prophets counsel and advice 13th. He is honest and hardworking 14th. He is a great example 15th. He is easy going and fun to be with 16th. He is spiritual and has a strong testimony 17th. He works hard on the farm 18th. He is including of everyone 19th. He is sharing and giving 20th. He takes me skeet shooting; spends time with me

21st. He cares about each family member and their interests 22nd. He spends spring Saturdays driving kids to soccer 23rd. He is willing to sacrifice sleep to take care of Adam 24th. He loves Mom very much 25th. He sets the bar high for the type of man I want to marry 26th. He loves me even though Im not perfect 27th. He tries his best, even though hes not perfect 28th. He can sing really well 29th. He can play trumpet, which I wish I could do 30th. He loves tractors and guns, and taught me to do so as well 31st. He serves others wholeheartedly and does so a lot 32nd. He fixes his mistakes when he makes them 33rd. He leaves little notes in my room and cleans my room 34th. He is encouraging, no matter what it is that Im doing 35th. He is really, really smart, and helps me with my math homework 36th. He can easily learn languages, and does! 37th. He is faithful to Mom and our family

38th. He spends a lot of time reading the scriptures and praying every single day 39th. He is strong; emotionally, spiritually, and physically 40th. He is my dad. And hes the best dad that there ever was.

I love you Daddy! Im so glad that youre my dad. I dont know what I would do without you! You have done/do so much for me, and I cant ever repay that. I love you very very much, and hope that you have a great 40th birthday! -Sarah Ann Hirschi

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