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PSGE Priority Projects: Electric transportation

Transmission line - Franceville-Bifoun Department Project cost Financing Planning

Context and objectives The development of economic hubs throughout the national territory requires an efficient routing of electricity produced by six large dams that will be built in Gabon by 2020. The national energy plan provides the implementation of a national electricity transmission network which will feed the industrial development along the South corridor and corridor 1 (Transgabonais). The implementation of the network will be in four phases. Phase III will cover the stretch: Fougamou-Lambarn-Ekouk-Nkok The study of feasibility of this transmission line is completed and the preliminary phase is carried out at 50%.

Ministry of Oil, Energy and Hydraulic Resources FCFA (120,754,601 USD) State Budget 36 months

Description Construction of electric transmission line to link the two interconnected West and East network, between Alembe and Moanda stations. This project represents the main backbone of the electric power transmission network linking the interconnected West consisting of the networks of the Mbe and Ngouie valleys to Poubara network. It will link North and Estuary region systems and supply electric energy to the provinces of Woleu-Ntem and the Estuary. This project will serve to support the industrial development of the country by supplying green and sustainable energy.

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