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PSGE Priority Projects: Land Development

Pole of trawling - Mandji Island Special Economic Zone


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development

Project cost Financing Planning

30,000,000,000 FCFA (61,465,545 USD) State Budget

Context and objectives

Gabons ambition in the fishery sector is to reconcile by 2025 the need for economic recovery with the ecological requirements. Sustainable development is at the heart of the Gabon development strategy. Gabon also implement the infrastructure required for the development of the sector, including an economic zone of products of artisanal fisheries in Libreville, an economic zone of valorization of trawling products in Port Gentil (Mandji Island) and two hubs of aquaculture development in Lambarn.

Dedicated to the processing of the trawling products in high value-added products, the economic zone of trawling in Port Gentil (Mandji Island) will have a fishing port for large trawlers, an area of refueling and repair, a fuel station, a market hall and cold storage infrastructures. The production will be destined for the lucrative international markets. To facilitate access to these markets, The Mandji Island fishery hub will respect international standards of hygiene and safety of food products (H.A.C.C.P., ISO, standards E.U...). A qualitative approach and a system for advising companies will be set up in order to achieve these goals.

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