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Childrens Book: On the Night You Were Born

The students will learn to sing a simple melody with a book while acting out different animal movements, and finding instruments to sound like different animals. )aterials* +ui,$ent:
Tillman, N. (2005). On the night you were. New York, NY: R. R. Donnelley & on! "om#any. $elo%y & "ori 'n%rew 20(2 (Re)or%ing taken *rom :)htt#:++tea)her, moni)a.-log!#ot.)om+!ear)h+la-el+.orl% /200ulla-ie! htt#:++youtu.-e+#1.!23T"rt' T !" #chieved: 1LA 11A!18 (/B) Listenin) and S ea*in)&Listenin)! Students use "om re#ension s*ills to listen attentively to ot#ers in formal and informal settin)s! Students are e2 e"ted to:(A) listen attentively to s ea*ers3 as* relevant $uestions3 and ma*e ertinent "omments! (0A) Listenin) and S ea*in)&S ea*in)! Students s ea* "learly and to t#e oint3 usin) t#e "onventions of lan)ua)eStudents are e2 e"ted to s ea* "o#erently about t#e to i" under dis"ussion3 em loyin) eye "onta"t3 s ea*in) rate3 volume3 enun"iation3 and t#e "onventions of lan)ua)e to "ommuni"ate ideas effe"tively! (01) Listenin) and S ea*in)&Teamwor*! Students wor* rodu"tively wit# ot#ers in teams! Students "ontinue to a ly earlier standards wit# )reater "om le2ity! Students are e2 e"ted to arti"i ate in tea"#er- and student-led dis"ussions by osin) and answerin) $uestions wit# a ro riate detail and by rovidin) su))estions t#at build u on t#e ideas of ot#ers! T-1 11?!1: /(a!) Safe use of voi"e and body! 'CS%C 11?!10 (/) Creative e2 ression& erforman"e! T#e student inter rets "#ara"ters3 usin) t#e voi"e and body e2 ressively3 and "reates dramati=ations! T#e student is e2 e"ted to: (A) demonstrate safe use of movement and voi"eD (() arti"i ate in a variety of roles in real life and ima)inative situations t#rou)# narrative antomime3 dramati" lay3 and story dramati=ation

Submitted by: Cori Andrew Objectives: TSW learn a sim le melody! TSW safely and ositively intera"t wit# "lassmates! TSW lay instruments wit# ro er te"#ni$ue!

for Grade Level(s) K-1

Lesson Plan: %ntrodu"tion (Anti"i atory Set&'otivation): 1! (e)in by as*in) t#e students to raise t#eir #and if t#ey+ve ever san) t#e son) ,-a y (irt#day!. /! As* t#e students w#y we sin) ,-a y (irt#day.! 0! 12 lain #ow every erson+s birt#day is a very s e"ial day for t#at erson+s family and friends to remember t#e day t#ey were born3 and be t#an*ful for it! Process:

4ower 4oint: 1! Go t#rou)# t#e ower oint3 as*in) t#e students to a"t out t#e various noises and movements of ea"# animal! 1n"oura)e t#em to t#in* of new and differen"e noises and movements for ea"#! /! 12 lain t#at w#en we read t#e boo*3 t#ey are to a"t li*e t#e animal on t#e a)e! 0! 12 lain t#at w#en we sin) t#e melody3 t#ey are to sin) wit# t#eir ro er sin)in) voi"es3 but wit# t#e movement of t#e animal on t#e a)e! (oo* 1! %ntrodu"e t#e title of t#e boo*! /! 5ead t#e first a)e and sin) t#e s#ort3 ,W#o3 in t#e world6. melody! 0! 5ead ea"# subse$uent a)e and sin) t#e melody3 #avin) students a"t out t#e a"tions of t#e different animals as you read t#rou)# t#e boo*! Students may 7oin in on t#e melody as soon as t#ey feel "omfortable! 8! At t#e end of t#e story3 as t#e students to e"#o you on t#e s#ort melody! %nstruments 1! Assi)n students to )rou s of 0-8! 1a"# )rou re resents a "ertain art of t#e story3 (Wind3 owl3 sea "reature3 birds3 owls3 du"*s3 ladybu)s3 )eese3 an)els!) /! -and ea"# )rou an un- it"#ed er"ussion instrument! 0! 4ra"ti"e i"*in) u and uttin) down instruments "orre"tly! 8! As a "lass3 ra"ti"e erformin) four $uarter notes on t#e instruments! 9! 1a"# )rou demonstrates t#eir ability to lay t#e r#yt#m! :! 5ead t#rou)# t#e boo* wit# t#e students layin) t#eir instrument at t#eir allotted art of t#e story3 and wit# all students sin)in) t#e ,W#o3 in t#e world6. melody on a)e turns! Listenin) 12am le: #tt :&&youtu!be& ;Ws-<TCrtA 1! 12 lain to students t#at even t#ou)# eo le mi)#t live all t#e way a"ross t#e )lobe3 we all essentially #ave t#e same #o es3 feelin)s3 and dreams! /! %ntrodu"e t#e students to t#e "ountry of A=erbai7an! -ave students e"#o t#e word3 A=erbai7an! 12 lain w#ere t#e "ountry is lo"ated3 and a little about t#e "ulture! 0! Tell t#e students t#at we are )oin) to listen to an A=erian son) t#at e2 resses essentially t#e same sentiments as our boo*! 8! 5ead t#e 1n)lis# translation of t#e son)3 as*in) t#e students to listen for t#e t#in)s in t#e oem t#at are li*e t#e t#in)s in our story! 9! >is"uss w#at t#e oem and t#e boo* #ave in "ommon! :! 4lay t#e son) and as* students to listen for sounds t#at t#ey are not used to #earin)! ?! After t#e son) is over3 dis"uss t#ese "ultural sounds wit# em #asis on bein) res e"tful i!e! ,interestin). or ,new. soundin) instruments3 not ,weird. or ,silly!. @! >is"uss t#e similarities between t#e son) and our story3 em #asi=in) #ow eo le all

Bloo$s Ta%ono$&:
Knowled)e Com re#ension A li"ation

'i((erentiated Learning:
Auditory Kinest#eti" Eerbal&Lin)uisti" 'usi"al

Classroo$ "trategies:
Coo erative Grou s W#ole-)rou

over t#e world are essentially t#e same! #cco$odations: 1LL: 1! Translate t#e words of t#e ,W#o3 in t#e world6. melody into t#e "#ild+s native lan)ua)e! /! Also3 t#e i"tures of ea"# )rou +s animal on t#e ower oint will #el to brid)e lan)ua)e )a s!

Students wit# S e"ial Feeds: 1! Students w#o "annot #old a mallet instrument "an be assi)ned instruments t#ey are more able to lay (i!e! #and drum!) /! Students wit# w#eel "#airs "an #ave a buddy w#eel t#em around t#e room as t#ey retend to be t#e different animals in t#e story!
#ssess$ent: 1! Listen and assess as ea"# individual )rou lays t#eir $uarter note attern! %f less t#an @AG of t#e "lass "an lay four $uarter notes on t#e beat3 lan re-tea"#in) a"tivities dealin) wit# layin) t#e steady beat wit# body er"ussion and un- it"#ed er"ussion! /! Listen as t#e students e"#o you on t#e melody3 and as t#ey sin) wit# t#eir )rou s! %f less t#an @AG of t#e "lass "an "orre"tly sin) t#e melody3 try and identify t#e roblem! (%s t#e melody it"#ed too low6 Are t#ey #avin) trouble wit# t#e words6 Can t#ey sim ly not mat"# it"#6) Hn"e you #ave identified t#e roblem: "orre"t it a""ordin)ly! (4lan more it"#-mat"#in) e2er"ises3 lay wit# swit"#in) ba"* and fort# from s ea*in) and sin)in) voi"es3 or sim ly it"# t#e in a son) #i)#er *ey!)

'elody for (oo* 4a)e Turns:

nglish Translation o( #-erian lullab&: Slee very very sweet3 my baby! Grow u ! (e"ome bi) and "lever3 my baby! Hne day you+ll add your voi"e to t#e voi"e on t#e universe3 my baby! 1very assin) bird3 every river says lay-lay to you 'y baby in our most 7oyful and beautiful mot#erland Iou are my ride and 7oy Iou are my soul t#at is wit#in my own soul Iour breat# is so "lean and inno"ent Li*e t#e li)#t wind in t#e field

.acts about #-erbaijan

Location: bordered by t#e Cas ian Sea to t#e east3 5ussia to t#e nort#3 Armenia to t#e west and %ran to t#e sout#! Language: A=erbai7ani3 5ussian #griculture: Cotton3 )rain3 ri"e3 )ra esD "attle ",orts: Jootball (So""er) and C#ess

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