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JOB INTERVIEW 1. Tell me about your self? I am punctual, dependable and can be counted upon to finish what I start.

I get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that I have done something well and on time. 2. What kind of training or qualifications do you have? I took a one year training program in Politeknik Negeri Malang which is related to the job I'm applying for. I look forward to working in the field and putting into practice what I learned. I don't have a lot of work experience in this area but I learn quickly. 3. Why do you want to work for this company? Because my skill match with the job requirements and the products your company have a good quality with under price. 4. Why are you interested in this job? Because a dedicated of technician, I like doing essential research. Being part of a breakthrough team is an experience and Id love to repeat. 5. Do you think this job would bore you? No, I dont. Because with job I always learn new skill, and Im feel bore when Im jobless. 6. How do you do handle pressure? I'm not a person who has a difficult time with stress. When I'm under pressure, I focus, and get the job done. 7. How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done? I use my time efficiently at work and, for the most part, it's not the number of hours I work; but how effective my time has been to accomplish the job. 8. How do you get along with older (younger) co-workers? Its a same way, I respect with knowledges and make common ground where we could effectively work together. It took time, but the result was worth and effort. 9. Are you willing to work in night? Weekend? Overtime? Its up to you Sir. I would be totally honest and professionally in my job. 10. What five word would be describe you? Hardworking energetic, take pride in my work, easy going, punctual and reliable.

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