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Fishin For Addition

0- When you use the zero to add, the other number is the answer- arent you glad! 1- To find the sum with a number 1, count the big number up by one! 3+3 7+8 4+7 3+4 3+7 4+5 5+6 3+6 3+8 8+8 5+7 4+6 5+5 6+8 7+7 4+4 6+7 5+8 4+8 3+5 6+6 6 racing cars for me! Spiders are here, all 15 have no fear! Jumping beans 11! 7 fish swim to shore! Fingers are green, 10 red nails -long and mean! 9 bubbles to blow, up, up, and away there they go! Pardon me, oops - I just dropped 11 hoops! The monster walk is fun, take 9 steps - then youre done! Worms for you, all 11 are wiggly too! 16 coins are lined up straight! Lollipops are sweet, lick 12 times - what a treat! Dinosaurs galore, only 10 and not one more! 10 scary bugs look so alive! Count each star and heart, all 14 - youre so smart! 14 frogs leaping high - off the logs! Bounce the ball 8 times on the floor! Airplanes fly, all 13 - high in the sky! Animals at the zoo, all 13 wait for you! Tops spin aroun, all 12 turn til they fall down! 8 crocodiles take a dive! 12 flies do bite, slap them all - good and tight!

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