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KP Stacie Weatbrook ENG 2010 November 15, 2013 REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Eve seems to invoke sentimental

thoughts and cherished memories from deep within my soul. Extended family members gather from small and great distances to share a traditional feast and celebration at my parents home. Everyone helps out by bringing delectable dishes lovingly created for this special occasion. No one seems to mind the sensory overload. Their living room glows from the small white lights on the simply decorated Christmas tree and fireplace mantle. Sounds of conversation, laughter, and little ones playing together fill the room. Loved ones exchange hugs and pleasantries of, Its so good to see you! and Merry Christmas! The heavenly aroma of roast turkey, glazed ham, sweet and sour meatballs, and hot fresh rolls permeate the air as we indulge ourselves with heaping plates of a gloriously delightful feast. After filling ourselves to overflowing, out come the dreaded Christmas chimes. Jokes are exchanged by the older ones as the younger children become absorbed by choosing their musical instruments crafted from metal pipes of varying lengths. My mother somehow learned about this tradition and quickly set out to make it one of ours. She directs this instantaneous band of novices by pointing to letters carefully written upon a chart which correspond with the individual chimes. Somehow, something familiar begins to resonate. My father, typically a quiet and kind man, delights in teasing my mother by striking his chimes out of time causing my mother to exclaim, Oh, Alma! He sometimes laughs so hard he

begins to wheeze, and we all join in the laughterexcept for my mother who takes her chimes very seriously. Next comes the beloved Nativity. My father reads Luke 2 from the Holy Bible, while the young children dressed as shepherds and angels, take their cue. The child playing Mary travels upon an adult donkey, holding my daughters doll Jesus wrapped in a swaddling blanket, as Joseph follows alongside. Reflecting on the real reason for celebrating Christmas, we close with singing, Silent Night and a heartfelt prayer. Before we clean up and prepare to leave, the presents come out from under the tree. Gifts and gratitude are exchanged, and even more hugs. Children run around the room in anticipation of what the rest of the evening holdsa visit from Santa! Parents bundle up their little ones, reviewing a mental checklist of last minute details needed to create a magical Christmas morning. Loaded with leftovers, gifts, and memories, family members depart, leaving my parents to replay the evening and count their blessings in the still of the night.

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