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Sea Fighting

Once there was a deep, deep sea named Ariel Sea. Ariel Sea had two sides. One side was mysterious, beautiful, and sweet and had a giant castle. One side was dirty, smelly with a huge volcano. In the beautiful side it had a princess named Sophia she was a mermaid who was kind, beautiful and smart. There was also Sophias friend named Tori. He was smart, kind and full of humanity. Buikin was an evil person in Ariel Sea he was smelly, dirty and grumpy. Suddenly Buikin smashed Sophias castle to get her gold armour with her pink power, her tiara and her sword. Then Sophia noticed that Buikin would get her super power so they started to have a fight to rule Ariel Sea. They fought and fought and Sophia was too tired and she couldnt fight Buikin anymore. Tori started to swim around and around to make Buikin tired but he failed. Then Sophia woke up. She didnt know what was happening so she screamed Whats happening! Tor was surprised and he whispered to Sophia Buikin was fighting with me but he was too strong. I cant fight with him! Sophia had an idea that could make him die. She swam up to the sky as fast as he could then she swam down and she kept doing that 1000 times. Buikin copied her but became too tired he cant do it anymore so he lay down to the bottom of the sea. Sophia was very cheerful that she killed Buikin. Sophia and Tori were very glad that they can come back to the castle and told everyone about it. The End!

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